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It's really exciting! It gives a different perspective on the role of HR in the organization. In fact, it shows that HR is not the only department in the game. 


A truly great EX requires people from across the organization to work and create together."


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Review of the Certified HEX Practitioner Programme 


Colleagues and employee experience pioneers from around the World are joining our Certified Holistic Employee Experience (HEX) programme. One of these pioneers, Natalia Rusavskaya, who is an HR Director based in Cyprus, discusses her experience on the programme so far and why HR colleagues are getting every excited about the possibilities we can create with employee experience.


After hearing Ben Whitter speak about employee experience at a HR conference, Natalia didn't waste any time in buying his book and signing on to the programme. 


"It's exciting. When I heard about the HEX, I was really inspired for the first time in a very long time about it," said Natalia.


The Certified HEX Practitioner programme is already having an impact worldwide with colleagues joining us at the leading-edge of the employee experience movement. From major multi-national corporations, high-growth businesses, major sports teams, HR/management consultancies, HR vendors, and progressive not-for-profits, the programme is attracting a wide range of professionals. 


But why did Natalia choose to become an HEX Practitioner? 


"I got really excited about employee experience during an HR conference organized in Cyprus. Ben was a speaker at that conference and everything he has said about HEX made so much sense. So I bought his book and learned from him about the programme. I felt it could take my career to the next level," said Natalia.


The HEX, which was fully featured in The Times recently is at the heart of the programme, and the learning journey is designed to bring it to life. Natalia highlighted her experience with the HEX Group as one of the key elements of the programme. The HEX Groups enable a small number of colleagues to explore, share, and enter into thoughtful dialogue about any challenge that is being experienced. With the freedom to explore new ideas, solutions and thinking in an honest environment, the HEX Groups are a unique feature to support high quality discussion between peers and real-world outcomes. 


"It’s very interesting, particularly I have enjoyed coaching sessions in mini-groups and a career coaching session I had. It gave me some perspectives and new ideas. It helps reflect on the role I want to play in an organization and a type of organization I want to work with. It's really exciting!"


Why is the HEX Practitioner Programme relevant and valuable for HR Directors?


The role of HR is more like that of an 'Experience Architect' and every HR colleague will, increasingly, be expected to upgrade their skills, knowledge, and thinking on employee experience in the years ahead. 


Natalia has certainly found that the role of HR is evolving by taking part in the programme. "It gives a different perspective on the role of HR in the organization. In fact, it shows that HR is not the only department in the game. A truly great EX requires people from across the organization to work and create together. The outcomes are beneficial for both the company and the employees," said Natalia. 


The programme is here to help HR colleagues get ahead with employee experience. It is delivered through content, coaching, and collaboration with practical assignments designed to challenge thinking, and accelerate progress. Through insight and inspiration, the programme unlocks ideas and potential that leads to real changes being applied immediately as colleagues help engineer business and human results.


Interested in joining the programme? Available digitally worldwide, we are welcoming colleagues from across the globe onto the next programme.




Serious about your development as a modern, experience-driven, and human-centred leader? 


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Become a Certified Holistic Employee Experience (HEX) Practitioner 

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