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Welcome to the leading-edge of the human and employee experience movement!


We develop, support, and recognise colleagues who are delivering exceptional business, brand, and human outcomes through their holistic, human-centred, and experience-driven approach. 


Our work is inspired and underpinned by our ground-breaking Holistic Employee Experience (HEX) model, which was introduced publicly in the 2019 book, Employee Experience, and was popularised by The Times. 


We offer a range of bespoke virtual and in-person services to  suit every company including coaching, consulting, speaking, and our signature experience, the HEX Practitioner Programme. 


Our global research uncovered the truth about Employee Experience.  It's all about humans and their experiences within and beyond your company. Take full advantage of the newest and most exciting discipline in organizations around the world today by joining the HEX Nation! 

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Read: Books by Ben Whitter

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Develop: Certified Holistic Employee Experience (HEX) Practitioner Programme


 Lead: Our work is underpinned by the pioneering and influential thought leadership of World Employee Experience Institute (WEEI) 


'Pragmatic tools..compelling employee experience (EX) research'


'Groundbreaking ideas. Exceptional thought leadership'


'Expert insight'

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Become a Certified HEX Practitioner 

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